Effective Reduction of Pathogens
Staphylococcus Aureus
Escherichia Coli
Bacillus spp
Streptococcus spp
Pseudomonas Aureuginosa
H1N1 Swine Flu
Candida Albicans
Stachybotrys Chartarum
and more.
Engineered Solutions
The CIMR team of air quality specialists utilize computer generated models to analyze your facilities and engineer a solution to automatically, continuously, effectively, and safely protect building occupants 24/7/365.
Savings in HVAC Maintenance Costs
CIMR® Systems not only kill microbial threats but also continuously clean your HVAC system. From evaporator coils, duct work and vents, CIMR® eliminates common molds which will decrease maintenance time and allows for HVAC system optimal running performance.
“A Multi-Layered Air Defense Model to Protect Shared Air In Critical Infrastructure Sectors”
A Report By Auburn University’s McCrary Institute, Air University, Introduction and Contribution by General P.K. Carlton, MD, AirForce Surgeon General (retired) July 2020
Excerpt by USAF Surgeon General PK Carlton, Jr., MD, FACS (Former) from original video by REES.
“General Carlton has studied chemical and biological threats for more than 42 years. His extensive research into SARS and now COVID-19 provides the scientific basis for mitigating the risks we face today inside our buildings.”
CIMR provides up to 100 air exchanges per hour.

About Us
Healthy Workplace Systems
16400 US Hwy 331 S #111
Freeport, FL 32439